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a red-stained steam-bent ply drinks carrier by torsten johansson (1920 - 2004)
height: 11 cm
width: 28.5 cm
REF: 2590
an oval walnut and copper bound box
height: 8 cm
width: 24 cm
REF: 5531
a large meiji period woven and twisted bamboo ikebana basket
height: 43 cm
width: 42 cm
REF: 5688
'one hundred beauties,' ink and watercolour on silk panels
height: 184 cm
width: 47 cm
REF: 5569
a five-fold red leather screen
height: 166 cm
width: 36.5 cm
REF: 5577
the "weir" wicker basket
£120 + VAT
height: 31.5 cm
REF: 3443
a set of painted nesting balls within a ball
REF: 5155
a carved oak and tapestry three fold screen
height: 195 cm
width: 71.5 cm
REF: 5159
a large estate made carved oak and chestnut fire surround
height: 107 cm
width: 158.5 cm
REF: 5038
a rectangular carved oak glass cabinet
height: 80.5 cm
width: 66 cm
REF: 4967
a large patinated terracotta urn by james pulham of broxbourne
height: 60.5 cm
width: 90 cm
REF: 5037
a wrythen glass vase with iridescent decoration by loetz
height: 25.5 cm
REF: 4895
a japanese export papier mache footed dish
height: 5 cm
REF: 4925
a woven split cane ikebana basket
height: 32 cm
REF: 4721
a chinese bamboo and lacquer whatnot and canterbury
height: 120 cm
width: 52 cm
REF: 4642
a pair of victorian lidded earthernware tobacco jars
height: 23.5 cm
REF: 4660
a 19th century cross stitch sheep bonbonniere
height: 3.5 cm
width: 9.5 cm
REF: 4610
a rectangular painted box
REF: 4262
a fine meiji period lacquer travelling dining compendium
REF: 4356
a large glazed stoneware vase with four lug handles
height: 85 cm
REF: 4326
a large and unusual gilt brass coal box
height: 49 cm
width: 41 cm
REF: 3986
a circular straw work box by carl scholz
height: 9.5 cm
REF: 3891
a teak and suede x frame magazine holder
height: 35 cm
width: 51 cm
REF: 3810
an early 20th century brass magnifying glass
width: 10 cm
REF: 3894
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