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a fine castelo branco silk colcha
height: 225 cm
width: 160 cm
REF: 5473
an unusual soft checked welsh blanket
height: 210 cm
width: 170 cm
REF: 4769
a pair of large woven silk curtains
height: 262 cm
width: 118 cm
REF: 5583
a collection of 48 framed leaves from a rare swedish coverlet weaver's pattern book
height: 39.2 cm
width: 36.4 cm
REF: 5510
a large and exceptional silk and chain stitch indo-portuguese colcha
height: 305 cm
width: 212 cm
REF: 5151
a large and rare queen anne chain-stitch embroidery on linen
height: 234 cm
width: 156 cm
REF: 5185
an early "lövendal" woven flatweave textile by märta måås-fjetterström (1873-1941)
height: 155 cm
width: 67 cm
REF: 5082
a winter weight antique welsh blanket
height: 207 cm
width: 180 cm
REF: 4746
a 1920s candy stripe welsh blanket
height: 186 cm
width: 186 cm
REF: 4773
a brown herringbone antique welsh blanket
height: 178 cm
REF: 4744
an antique narrow loom welsh plaid blanket
height: 200 cm
width: 168 cm
REF: 4751
a buff and camel antique welsh blanket
REF: 4752
a 19thc narrow loom welsh blanket
height: 380 cm
width: 182 cm
REF: 4753
a narrow loom striped welsh blanket
height: 176 cm
width: 89 cm
REF: 4766
a miniature cross-stitch picture of a cottage
height: 5.71 cm
width: 12.06 cm
REF: 4597
a rich, finely embroidered gujarati cotton panel
height: 67 cm
width: 64 cm
REF: 4493
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